Tuesday, February 21, 2012

upholster a chair in recycled coffee sacks

 here's my inspiration....


these dining chairs look gorgeous... and get me in the mood for a piping hot cup of joe!
here's my version of the coffee sack chair....

I asked a local roasting company if they had any coffee sacks to give away... sure enough they had 2!

So I cut off the binding, and used one for the back of this chair. It fit perfectly. I stapled it around the edges as shown here.


I used a plain undyed hemp for the inside of the chair because I didn't want too much pattern, I bought it from http://www.hemptraders.com/ 

as you can see there was staples and gaps in between the wood and the hemp, so I bought a matching gimp and hot glued it around the edges...

here's the final product!

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